We have to be willing to let go of good to get to great; We have to be willing to let go of great to get to Amazing
This applies in all aspects of life
I am letting go of pace to increase my mileage because I know the pace will come back 2x
I let go of a 6 figure income $ because I know the growth will be 2x
I am letting go of my control freak personality because I know the reward will be 2x
What are you willing to let go of now so you can become?
As a Life Coach I am trained to help you manage your brain so you can create the life you love Click on the link in my bio and request your Free Consult
Connect with me: https://www.mindbodyspiritlifecoach.net @mind_body_spirit_life_coach aprobst2013@gmail.com 808-636-8287

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