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Mixed Emotions


Summer is coming to an end and School is starting again 

This time of year brings up mixed emotions 

Some of us can’t wait for our kids to go back to school and get back to a routine 

Others wish they had a little more time with their kiddos and are holding on to the last few moments as long as they can 

Maybe you are in between and feel both sides of this 

Whatever you’re feeling is perfectly natural and normal and there is no need to feel bad or guilty about it 

We do this all the time in all kinds of situations, in coaching we call it “Layering Negative Emotions” 

It’s when we feel a certain emotion, typically one that doesn’t feel good to us 

And then we judge it or are mad about it or feel guilty about it, trying to resist it 

This puts a second “layer” of negative emotion on top 

It isn’t helpful and it actually makes the emotion persist longer than necessary 

I know it seems more logical to not be happy about the emotion because that will “help us move past it or get rid of it” 

But in the end all it does is cause more negative emotions 

The better way is to acknowledge it, accept it, understand it, feel it (not think about it, but feel it in your body), and then it processes through your body 

If you struggle to deal with your emotions; are looking to get more organized with new routines; wanting to work on a goal; or wish you just felt better overall 

I have great news!

A new 3 month cycle for my coaching programs is coming, I have 4 Spots Opening In September Sign-Up Now at the link below ⬇️ 


Get my FREE 5 Step Process to Start Enjoying Your Life by clicking on the link below ⬇️ 


Join me for a free coaching session, it’s a powerful hour where you can experience firsthand the transformation that is possible…spots are limited…Click on the link below ⬇️ 



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