Have you already made the decision to Establish New Habits and Create Discipline in Your Life, but you are still struggling to get it done?
To create disciple, you need a schedule
To maintain a schedule (if you aren’t used to one), you are going to need to learn to manage your brain around all the thoughts it will give you about why: This is a bad idea; This is too hard; This is unnecessary
Our brains are hard wired for 3 things: Seek Pleasure; Avoid Pain; and Conserve Energy
When we are trying to create new habits, of course our brain is going to resist it
We are all disciplined in at least one area of our life, sometimes we just need help learning how to translate that disciple into the new area we are working on
I can help you
Join me for a free consultation. It gives you the benefit of a neutral 3rd party perspective and helps you become clear on where you are, where you want to be, and actionable steps to get there…spots are limited, so don’t wait https://www.mindbodyspiritlifecoach.net/bookings-checkout/initial-consultation/book
Get my FREE 5 Step Process to Start Loving Your Life https://www.mindbodyspiritlifecoach.net/lead-collection
Click on the link below to purchase my self-paced 5 module course with worksheets that will help you learn to Make Your Brain Work For You https://www.mindbodyspiritlifecoach.net/general-8