Don’t Let Your Goal Be Your Driving Force
Working toward long-term or big goals can feel burdensome
We allow worrisome thoughts about failure to fill our mind
We start to dread or hate the mundane tasks required to achieve our goals
It feels like we have to force ourselves, almost drag ourselves out of bed, to keep going
They weigh us down and feel heavy
And it’s because we use the end result as our driving force
Thinking about the end result in the beginning can be exciting and help to motivate us
But it isn’t sustainable It won’t get you through the long, hard work
Because it’s so far away
You have to have something in the Now to keep going
I know a much easier, lighter way to achieve anything you want
You Can Accomplish your goals without the exhaustion, burnout, heaviness, or pressure
My Secret To Accomplishing Anything… Purposefully choosing emotions to fuel my actions
What do I mean by that?
How we feel, drives the actions we take
If we are feeling worried, pressure, or dread we will not want to do what we need to do
We may be able to force ourselves because we really want that goal, but it takes all the joy and fun out of it
We can even become resentful of it
Some of my favorite emotions to use are: Commitment, Determination, Fun, and Ease
Learn to use your Emotions to Accomplish Your Goals
Learn to use your Emotions to Empower You
Learn to use your Emotions to Fuel Your Life
I can teach you how
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