Three Ways To Become Consistent
Find Something You Enjoy
Find A Time of Day That Actually Works
Start Small and Build On It
Consistency really is the key, but it seems so hard to obtain
Until you have it, then it’s Easy!
The secret to My consistency is finding a time when things just don’t “come up” or “happen” and get in the way of my wants and desires
So, I choose to get up between 4am and 5am everyday to take care of my needs
They are my highest priority
I have learned for myself that if I am not taken care of, I can’t really care for others
Be willing to try new things until you find something you enjoy
It will be really hard to create consistency if you are doing something you don’t enjoy because you will have all the excuses in the world not to do it
Don’t make things harder than they have to be
Don’t make it a huge thing when you start
If you are unrealistic in your expectations it will become too much and you will give up
Start with 10 to 30 minutes in the beginning until that becomes easy and then add on from there if needed
I started by just getting up 30 minutes before my kids, so I could get ready for the day in peace
Then when I was really good at that, I started getting up an hour early, so I could get in some yoga and get ready before they were awake
Then it turned into 90 minutes so I could do scripture study, yoga, and get ready
Then 2 hours, for scripture study, yoga, and walking
Now I consistently get up 3 hours before anyone else, so I can get all my needs met before anyone else is even awake
I am ready to take on the day and give to my family and my community
This transition was over a 7 year period
Things don’t just happen overnight
Be Realistic with Your Expectations
Be Intentional about the Time of Day
Be Joyful in what You are Creating
Be Patient with Yourself
You Can Do This!